Chronolith logo
Greenwich Millennium Stadium


Andrew Kennedy writes,

"I created a presentation for the Millennium Commission in London in 1997 to mount the experiment for the start of the new millennium celebrations. The Commission was not persuaded then, but now the right moment is fading in from the dark.

The original idea goes back to a moment in my childhood after nights awake wondering about how language worked.

Language, image, lies and dreams. The mystery of why we can remember things that aren't real has led to this Experiment. It is designed to solve some interesting questions about the nature of space and time.

The Experiment introduces a view of reality that should help us understand space and how to expand into the cosmos.  Each one of us is the centre of a cosmology. Cosmologies interact. These interactions give us a key informational quantity about a property of the universe with which we can build a sustainable future in it.

The Chronolithâ„¢ Experiment, the next step on the road to conquering our Universe."
